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How Lack of Sleep is Causing Hair Loss & Affecting Your Hair Growth

How Lack of Sleep is Causing Hair Loss & Affecting Your Hair Growth

Hair falls out everyday as part of our body’s renewal cycle. It is normal to lose about 50-100 strands a day. However, if you are finding a lot more hair in your shower or have a mass of hair accumulating at your comb when you comb through, you will need to be concerned.

There are many factors that cause an increased hair loss and affect hair growth. Some examples include our body’s genetics, neutron imbalance and overuse of heated styling tools. But one thing that not many people know is that lack of sleep is also a contributing factor to increased hair loss and stunted hair growth. 


Why is that so?

When we are sleeping, our body is repairing and regenerating our body cells. This process includes the protein synthesis of the hair and the releasing and rebalancing of enzymes and growth hormones that are essential for healthy hair.

One such important hormone that helps to prevent hair loss is melatonin. Melatonin helps our body to regulate our sleep and wakes cycle and has also been shown to increase hair growth. The converse therefore applies as well — when we have a lack of sleep or poor-quality sleep, the production of melatonin dips and our hair growth is therefore affected.

This function is therefore greatly inhibited when we lack sleep. Over time, lack of sleep can eventually result in weaker physical and mental health which makes our hair more sensitive and causes increased hair loss. With poor sleep quality, our body is not able to absorb the nutrients properly. This could possibly lead to loss of hair volume, appearance and a healthy sheen.

Stress, another result from a lack of sleep, has been known to result in Telogen Effluvium, a common type of hair loss condition characterised by diffuse thinning all over the scalp because of greasy roots. Most of the time, the hair on top of the scalp thins more than it does at the sides and at the back. There is an increase in our cortisol level when we are stressed. This directly increases the sebaceous oil production which leads to greasy roots.



Hair Loss Solutions

So what can we do to counteract the hair loss symptoms and improve our hair health? We’ve listed a few here:

  1. Improve your sleeping habits — Try to disengage from your mobile device an hour before bedtime. Make your room as dark as possible, and have a consistent sleeping and waking routine.
  2. Take care of your diet — Consume foods high in vitamins A, B, C, D, E, zinc, iron, and biotin. Choose a variety of food such as dark green leafy vegetables, carrots, sweet potatoes, avocados, sweet peppers, and nuts. These will help maintain healthy and shiny hair.
  3. Take care of your mental and emotional health. Practice self-care such as yoga, meditation, take a walk around the park, or create something.

At PHS HAIRSCIENCE, we believe that healthy hair starts from a healthy scalp. To treat hair loss and regenerate hair follicles, we recommend PHS HAIRSCIENCE FEM Thickening Shampoo. This shampoo is designed to combat severe hair loss and hair thinning. It contains a powerful blend of active botanicals and complexes that work to stimulate hair growth while invigorating and densifying new hair follicles as they grow. It improves the scalp’s ability to defend itself against oxidative stress and protects against hair fall.

For severe hair loss cases, we recommend that you seek professional treatment and consider PHS HAIRSCIENCE Miracle Stem Cell Solution. This non-invasive scalp treatment is a patented cell-signalling programme designed to combat hair loss and greying at the cellular level. Backed by science and developed with Korean trichologists, the Miracle Stem Cell Solution contains growth factors and stem cell technology that effectively reactivates dormant and inactive follicle cells for hair regrowth and melanin production.

Know that this list is non-exhaustive and each of our situation is unique. If you would like to have a more in-depth discussion about your hair loss situation, click here to book an appointment for a free consultation with our expert hair consultants today.


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